How to Archive a Folder and Download It

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File management is a big part of running a successful website and you can do it in a number of ways. FTP may seem like the most obvious choice, but the truth is, it may not always be the best possible option.

Unless you’re proficient with command-line interfaces, you need a GUI-based FTP client, and that’s not always handy, especially if you’re using a mobile device or someone else’s computer. What’s more, some browser-based solutions like HostPanel’s File Manager are much more flexible and give you more options for organizing your website data.

What is HostPanel’s File Manager?

Those of you who go for one of our hosting solutions can manage your entire hosting account through HostPanel – a unique control panel that gives you all the tools you need to ensure everything runs smoothly.

You can log into HostPanel from anywhere in the world using nothing but a web browser. With it, you can create and delete FTP accounts and email accounts, manage databases, and backups and install SSL certificates, and even install a content management system. The built-in file manager also gives you complete control over your website’s data and directories.

With HostPanel, you can upload new files, create new folders and delete existing ones. You can download the entire folder to your local computer.

How to Archive and download directories through HostPanel 

Unlike an FTP client, HostPanel’s file manager comes with built-in functionality that lets you archive folders and downloads them as zip files. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Log in to HostPanel’s user interface and open File Manager. The default login URL for HostPanel’s user interface is The file manager is located under the Files section on the HostPanel homepage.

    File Manager Tool
    File Manager Tool
  2. Identify the files or folders you want to archive and download. File Manager’s interface was designed to look like File Explorer on your local computer, so navigating through files and folders in your hosting account shouldn’t be a problem.

    HostPanel File Manager
    HostPanel File Manager
  3. Right-click on the required directory and click Download. HostPanel’s file manager will automatically create a zip file and put the contents of your folder in it. When it’s done, your web browser will automatically start downloading it.

    How to Archive a Folder and Download It
    Archive a Folder and Download It

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