Getting Started with Softxaa WordPress Manager

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Before we start explaining Softxaa WordPress Manager, Let’s take a look at some basics. WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system (CMS). Which started as a simple blog platform now powers more than one-third of the world’s websites, and it’s not hard to see why.

Although it wasn’t the world’s first CMS, WordPress proved to be one of the most versatile and easy-to-use platforms of its kind, and partly thanks to the fact that it was free, people quickly adopted it.

Despite the appearance of numerous point-and-click website builders, its popularity has not waned, and it is still considered the go-to solution for anyone trying to launch a new website. Unfortunately, its ease of use is also causing some problems.

Inexperienced website administrators tend to overlook some important points when working with WordPress, and even experienced developers don’t always bother with important aspects of platform configuration. As a result, many online businesses suffer from performance issues and cyber attacks. Manually installing and properly configuring WordPress can be difficult. Fortunately, Softxaa customers can take advantage of our Softxaa WordPress Manager.

What is Softxaa WordPress Manager?

Softxaa WordPress Manager is a WordPress management tool integrated into HostPanel and available free of charge to those who choose one of Softxaa’s hosting solutions. It can install WordPress on your account and also help you configure and secure it properly.

Managing content with WordPress might be a simple task, but it usually requires a certain level of technical expertise to get the best performance. With Softxaa WordPress Manager, however, you only need to choose the location and login credentials and your installation will be ready in seconds. Softxaa WordPress Manager is far from just an installer, though.

Running up-to-date software is something that many people struggle with it, and that includes WordPress users too. Thousands of WordPress websites run on versions of the platform that don’t perform well and are riddled with security holes. Softxaa WordPress Manager gives you an easy way to enable automatic WordPress updates and ensure your website runs smoothly and securely.

This and several other unique features make Softxaa WordPress Manager a great tool for managing your entire WordPress installation. Let’s see how it works.

Installing WordPress with Softxaa WordPress Manager

To install a WordPress site using Softxaa WordPress Manager, you need to log into your HostPanel account and go to WordPress Manager. At the bottom of the page, you’ll see a list of all existing WordPress installations, and above it is a form to create a new one.

First, you need to choose where you want to install WordPress. From the drop-down menu, you can choose your main domain name or one of your addon domains, or a subdomain. If you want to install WordPress in a subfolder (eg,, you can specify this in the Folder Name field.

Softxaa WordPress Manager
Softxaa WordPress Manager User Interface

After you set the correct location, you need to choose the username and password for the WordPress administrator. The security of the entire website can depend on the complexity of the password, which is why Softxaa WordPress Manager will not let you continue with the installation unless the password is at least eight characters long and contains at least one letter, one number, and one symbol.

To help you pick a truly unique and strong password, Softxaa WordPress Manager comes with an integrated password generator that you can use. Finally, you need to fill in the admin email address. When you’re ready, click Install WordPress to start the process, and within a few seconds, you’ll be able to see the new installation listed at the bottom of the page.

Configuring automatic updates and Security Lock

Your WordPress installation is now ready, and you can log in and start managing your WordPress website. Before you do, however, you might want to take a look at a few toggle switches located next to your new WordPress installation.

Softxaa WordPress Manager Security Tool
Softxaa WordPress Manager Security Tool

One of them is labeled Automatic Updates, and it’s switched on by default. Keeping it active is strongly recommended. This will ensure that not only WordPress but also the plugins and themes you install later will be updated without any action from your end. That way, all new features, and performance improvements will be available in your WordPress installation, and you’ll be sure that newly released security patches are installed promptly.

Another toggle switch controls a feature called Security Lock. When turned on, it restricts access to files and directories on your website. As a result, even if hackers can exploit security vulnerabilities, they will not be able to infect websites with malware. In the meantime, you will be able to manage and upload new content without any difficulty.

Security Lock is a unique feature that takes your website security up a notch. The way it works, it prevents you from installing new plugins and themes while it’s running. We understand that after you create a new WordPress installation, you’ll likely want to customize it, which is why Security Lock is turned off by default. We recommend enabling this as soon as you set up your website.

If Auto Update and Security Lock are turned on and there are new updates, Softxaa WordPress Manager will automatically pause the Security Lock feature and re-enable it as soon as updates are applied.

Cloning, deleting, and changing the password of WordPress installations with Softxaa WordPress Manager

Next to the Auto Update and Security Lock toggles, you’ll see a drop-down menu that gives you more options for managing your WordPress installation.

Softxaa WordPress Manager Tools
Softxaa WordPress Manager Tools

If you think you need to change the WordPress administrator password, you can do it from here. You don’t need to know your old password, which ensures that if you give someone else administrative access to your website, you still retain some control over it. Again, you can use the built-in password generator to make sure the new password is strong and unique.

The Actions drop-down menu allows you to clone your WordPress installation. You can choose a path to your account (one of your domains, a subdomain, or a subfolder), and you can replicate the entire WordPress website, including all the changes you’ve made to it and all the content you’ve uploaded.

This is especially useful if you are developing a new version of your website in a hidden folder or a subdomain. Instead of arduous copy-paste and reconfiguration, once you’re ready with the latest version, you can simply clone the entire WordPress installation to your live domain and deploy the new look in just a few minutes.

On the other hand, if you are not happy with the way things are going, you can delete your WordPress website in a few clicks. All you need to do is select Uninstall from the Actions drop-down menu and then confirm that you want to delete the website.


WordPress is very easy and intuitive to work with it, but some aspects of its installation and configuration can present a challenge without additional help. With the tools provided by Softxaa WordPress Manager, you’ll be able to focus on your business knowing that your website is configured correctly and secured.

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