How to Create a Subdomain

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Did you know to create a subdomain in HostPanel doesn’t take more than a few clicks, Subdomains can be useful for both users and website owners. Imagine for a moment that you have a WordPress website and you want to add an online shop to it. Technically, there are plugins that can help you use WordPress to build an e-commerce website, but you may feel that using a dedicated e-commerce application like Magento or PrestaShop is a better option.

Two application scripts cannot co-exist in the same root folder, so you better create a subdomain and use it to host your online shop. Managing two applications using a subdomain will be much easier.

At the same time, by having the store located on the subdomain, it will be easily discoverable by users and they will be able to find what they are looking for with fewer clicks. Fewer clicks result make happier potential customers, and happy customers lead to greater revenue, especially when you’re selling products or services.

There are other uses for subdomains. If you want to translate your website into different languages, for example, you can put them in different subdomains (,, etc.).

In fact, most of these tasks can also be done using sub-directories (eg, or, and experts claim that this is a better strategy from an SEO point of view. Regardless, subdomains are often an essential part of a website’s structure and management.

How to Create a subdomain in HostPanel

Creating a subdomain in your HostPanel account doesn’t take more than a few clicks. Here are the exact steps:

  1. Log in to HostPanel’s user interface and go to Subdomain. The default login URL is The subdomain management tool is available under the domains section on HostPanel’s homepage.

    HostPanel Subdomain Management Tool
    HostPanel Subdomain Management Tool
  2. Select a valid domain name. You will see a drop-down menu with all your primary domains and addon domains, which you have already added to your account. Select the one you need and enter a valid subdomain Subdomains can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens.

    Select a valid domain to create a subdomain
    Select a valid domain to create a subdomain
  3. Select the document root of the subdomain. You now need to select a document root for the new subdomain. By default, HostPanel creates a new folder in the account’s home directory, but you can choose a custom folder by typing the file path in the Document Root field.

    Create a Sub domain
    Create a Subdomain
  4. Click Create Subdomain. After you click the Create Subdomain button, HostPanel will set up the new subdomain and configure it to work with the document root (if the folder doesn’t already exist, HostPanel will create it as well). The new subdomain, along with all existing ones, will be available in the list at the bottom of the page.

    Subdomain List
    Subdomain List
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