How to Upload a File via HostPanel File Manager?

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Your website depends on its files, and the ability to properly manage them is an integral part of running a complete website. But before you manage the files you need to upload a file to your website’s root directory. Normally, you would probably do this via FTP, although recent security concerns have prompted experts to recommend using FTPS (FTP over TLS) or SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) instead.

Regardless of whether you follow the advice of experts, the above-mentioned methods for managing files remotely are sometimes not available. Let’s imagine, for example, that you need to upload a file through a friend’s computer.

Virtually all desktop operating systems can communicate with a server through an FTP connection, but they do so through a command-line interface. It’s far from user-friendly, and inexperienced website operators are very likely to get stuck.

An FTP client is a viable option, but in our scenario, you’re using someone else’s computer, and an FTP client might not be installed on it. At this point, you might think you’ve run out of options, but if you’re a Softxaa customer, you have another way to upload files to the server.

Upload a file through HostPanel’s File Manager

Clients who choose one of our hosting solutions can get HostPanel for free- an extremely user-friendly control panel through which you can manage your hosting account. It has integrated File Manager – an easy-to-use tool to upload, download, and manage remote files through your web browser.

Navigating through the HostPanel file manager is similar to navigating through files and folders on your local computer, so you won’t have any trouble getting used to it. Here are the steps you need to follow to upload a file to your HostPanel hosting account:

  1. Open the file manager through the homepage of HostPanel’s user interface.

    How to upload a file via HostPanel file manager
    Open HostPanel File manager
  2. Navigate to the correct folder.

    Navigate to the correct folder
    Navigate to the correct folder
  3. Click Upload > Upload File and choose the file you need to upload.

    Upload a file via HostPanel File Manager
    Upload a file via HostPanel File Manager

For added convenience, HostPanel’s file manager supports multiple file uploads. If there is a file with the same name and extension in the server directory, the system will ask you if you want to replace the remote file or keep it.

When the data is on the hosting server, you can do everything you would do using a regular FTP client, including:

  • Creating new directories.
  • Deleting files & folders.
  • Moving files & folders.
  • Copying files.
  • Changing file permissions.

Getting Support:

If you face any problems regarding the HostPanel file manager, Don’t hesitate to contact our award-winning Technical support team. Softxaa provides 24/7/365 technical support via two channels:

  • Live chat with a 2-minute average response time.
  • Ticket system with a 30-minute average response time.

We will try to resolve all issues through our live chat system. However, sometimes if more detailed information is needed, opening a support ticket may be a better option. Sometimes, to verify your identity, we may ask you for your support PIN code, which is available in your client area under the My Details > Account Details menu.

In both live chat and tickets, your issue will be attended to immediately. We try to answer any question within 2 minutes for customers contacting us via live chat and within 30 minutes for those open support tickets.

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