How to Add an Addon Domain

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A major advantage of Softxaa’s managed hosting solutions is that all your online projects can run on individual accounts created through HostPanel, our all-in-one control panel. A single HostPanel user account is not limited to a single website, however. Using HostPanel’s Addon Domains feature, you can host multiple different websites under a single account. But it also depends on the hosting account limitations.

How does an addon domain work?

Many people may confuse an addon domain with a subdomain, and it must be said that this makes sense to a certain extent. A subdomain has a document root (a folder where its files and folders are stored) located somewhere inside your account’s home directory. Inside it, you can, among other things, install a content management system and manage it separately from the content located on the main domain.

With an addon domain, you again need to pick a document root located in your account’s home directory, and you can again create a whole new website inside of it. This time, however, you will have a separate domain associated with it and it will not be linked to the main domain of your account.

As a result, you can run multiple completely different websites on the same hosting account and it will be impossible for regular users to find that they have anything to connect them. This makes the Addon Domains feature perfect if you have two or more relatively small projects that can co-exist under the same HostPanel user account.

Adding an addon domain through HostPanel

The ability to start new projects with a few clicks is at the heart of HostPanel’s philosophy, which is why setting up an addon domain is quick and easy. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Log in to HostPanel’s user interface and open the Domain Tool. You can manage your domains through a dedicated tool found on the homepage of HostPanel’s user interface.

    How to Add an Addon Domain
    HostPanel Domain Tool
  2. Enter the new domain and choose a document root. The addon domain form is extremely simple. You need to enter your domain in the first field and then choose its document root from the second. By default, HostPanel creates a new folder in the account’s home directory and assigns it as the document root, but you can choose a custom path or an existing directory.

    Add an Addon Domain
    Add an Addon Domain
  3. Save the changes. The Add Domain button saves the new domain as an addon domain and associates it with its assigned document root.

Note that adding an addon domain through HostPanel’s user interface won’t register the domain and will not point it to your hosting. To resolve this correctly, you need to ensure that your domain is registered and its DNS settings are set correctly.



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